
Showing posts from February, 2021


    LINK FILM PENGABDI SETAN   "Pengabdi Setan" adalah sebuah film horor Indonesia yang disutradarai oleh Joko Anwar. Film ini dirilis pada tahun 2017 dan berhasil meraih sukses besar di Indonesia dan luar negeri. Berikut adalah review film "Pengabdi Setan": Cerita: "Pengabdi Setan" mengisahkan tentang seorang ibu tunggal bernama Marlina (diperankan oleh Ayu Laksmi) yang meninggal secara misterius. Setelah itu, anak-anak Marlina (diperankan oleh Tara Basro, Endy Arfian, Nasar Annuz, dan M. Adhiyat) mulai mengalami kejadian-kejadian aneh dan menakutkan di rumah mereka. Mereka akhirnya menyadari bahwa ibu mereka belum benar-benar pergi dan masih menghantui rumah tersebut. Mereka pun berusaha mencari cara untuk mengusir arwah ibu mereka agar dapat hidup dengan tenang. Penceritaan: Joko Anwar berhasil mengemas cerita yang menarik dan menegangkan dalam "Pengabdi Setan". Alur cerita yang berkelanjutan dan penggambaran suasan

Why Read Aloud?

-JIM TRELEASE- One day back in the 1980s I visited the kindergarten room I had attended years earlier as a child at Connecticut Farms Elementary School, in Union, New Jersey. Gazing up at me were the faces of about fifteen children, each of them seated expectantly on their story rug. “How many of you want to learn to read this year?” I asked. Without a second’s hesitation, every hand shot into the air, many accompanied by boasts like “I already know how!” Their excitement matched what every kindergarten teacher has told me: Every child begins school wanting to learn to read. In other words, we’ve got 100 percent enthusiasm and desire when they start school—the first chapter in their life. In subsequent years, when the National Reading Report Card surveyed students, they found very different attitudes and behavior as the students aged: Among fourth-graders, only 54 percent read something for pleasure every day. Among eighth-graders, only 30 percent read for pleasure daily.   By twelf

Joko Pinurbo

I have one name for a prominent Indonesian poetry. His name is Joko Pinurbo, and one of his books that I like is "Buku Latihan Tidur". I think this is a great of opus.    Joko Pinurbo born in Pelabuhan Ratu , Sukabumi , West Java , May 111962,  is one of Indonesia's foremost poets whose works have carved their own style and color in the world of Indonesian poetry. He completed his last education at the Institute of Teacher Training and Education (now University) Sanata Dharma , Yogyakarta . He has practiced writing poetry since he was in high school. For his achievements, Jokpin has received various awards: Penghargaan Buku Puisi Dewan Kesenian Jakarta (2001), Sih Award (2001), Hadiah Sastra Lontar (2001), Tokoh Sastra Pilihan Tempo (2001, 2012), Penghargaan Sastra Badan Bahasa (2002, 2014), Kusala Sastra Khatulistiwa (2005, 2015), dan South East Asian (SEA) Write Award (2014)


 Uncle Owl Final. You can play this video for your children's.  Join actress and Room to Read ambassador Dilshad Vadsaria as she reads “Uncle Owl”, one of Room to Read’s storybooks from Bangladesh. In a small village, rats have swarmed the town and are destroying everything, so the villagers seek Uncle Owl’s help. Will Uncle Owl be able to stop the rats? [Reading by: Dilshad Vadsaria] From : I hope you can enjoy it.  

Children's Learning Styles

From now, we will focus on discussing education and science which is higher and harder than an expression of taste. So, enjoy it to read. If you dont like it, please skip honey. Learning styles is a term that refers to different ways in which we learn , process , and retain information . All young children learn through meaningful hands-on experiences—through touching , doing , and moving . And children also learn through seeing and hearing . These are the four main types of learning styles:     Visual (learn through seeing)     Auditory (learn through hearing)     Tactile (learn through touch)     Kinesthetic (learn through doing and moving) Your child can superior in a variety of areas . Therefore, offer a variety of experiences to help your child develop new strengths and interests that will broaden his or her understanding of the world . Visual learners learn through seeing . They tend to have well-developed imaginations and often think in pictures . For older children